Covered electrodes manufactured to this
specification are used for depositing nickel and nickel alloy weld metal with
SMAW. Weld metal deposited by these electrodes has nickel content greater than
that of any other element. Nickel-base alloys for welding cast iron are not in
this specification; they are classified in SFA-5.15. Electrodes in SFA5.11 have
a wide range of uses for cryogenic service, corrosion-resistant, and
oxidation-resistant applications in the fabrication of ASME pressure vessels
and piping.
E –Electrode
NiCrFe – Chemical Composition
3 – Chemical Composition Identifier
Nickel and nickel alloy electrode classifications
begin with the letter “E,” followed by the symbol for nickel (“Ni”) to
represent the primary element. This symbol is then followed by the remaining principal
elements, such as Cr, Mo, Cu, Co, and Fe. When the principal elements are
identical, a numerical designator is added at the end of the classification.
Like most stainless steel and nonferrous electrodes, this classification represents
the type of nickel alloy rather than the tensile strength. Therefore, an
ENiCrFe-3 classification is a nickel alloy electrode containing chromium and iron.
It is also the third (-3) of many ERNiCrFe designations. Figure 3.4.5 illustrates
a typical nickel welding electrode classification.
Nickel-base electrodes are assigned as F-Nos. 41–46
in QW-432 of Section IX for procedure and performance qualification. These electrodes
are used for welding nickel and nickel-base alloys listed as P-Nos. 41–49 in
QW/QB–422. A-Numbers are not assigned in QW-442 for nickel-base electrodes
because the weld deposit is nonferrous.
When nickel-base alloys are welded, cleanliness is
imperative. Low-melting-point contaminants, such as sulfur, lead, and silver, may
cause embrittlement and subsequent cracking of the base metal or weld during
heating or welding. In addition to joining metals of comparable composition,
these electrodes are commonly used for welding dissimilar base metals and also
for clad overlay. In either case, it is important to use welding techniques
that minimize dilution of the weld deposit by the base metal.
The following text includes general descriptions of
some electrode types and the applications for them. Other than the
classifications for welding 9% nickel steels, most of these electrode
classifications can also be used for corrosion resistant overlay (cladding),
surfacing, and welding nickel-base alloys to steel.
The ENi-1 classified electrodes are predominantly
nickel and are typically used to join base metals such as UNS N02200 or N02201,
listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-160, SB-161, SB-162, SB-163, and
SB-366. ENIC-4 is used primarily to use cast ASTM A 560.
The ENiCu-7 electrodes are typically used for
welding nickel copper alloys, for welding nickel-copper alloys to steel, and
for corrosion resistant overlay (cladding) of steel. Base metals of UNS N04400,
listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-127, SB-163, SB-164, SB-165, SB-366,
and SB-564, can be welded with these electrodes.
The ENiCrFe-1, ENiCrFe-2, and ENiCrFe-3 electrodes
can be used to join UNS N06600 base metal, listed in ASME Material Specifications
SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, SB-366, SB-516, SB-517, and SB-564.
The ENiCrFe-4, ENiCrFe-9, and ENiCrFe-10 electrodes
are typically used for welding 9% nickel steel, grouped as P-No. 11 A, Group 1
in QW/QB-422 of Section IX. The 9% nickel-steel base metal (UNS K81340) is
listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-333, SA-334, SA-420, SA-353, SA-522,
and SA-553. ENiMo-8 and ENiMo-9 electrodes can also be used for welding 9%
nickel steel.
The ENiCrFe-7 electrodes can be used for welding the
nickel– chromium–iron alloy (UNS N06690), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-163, SB-166, SB-167, SB-168, and SB-564.
The ENiCrFe-12 electrode is used for welding base
metals designated as UNS N06025 and the ENiCrFeSi-1 electrode is used to weld
base metals designated as UNS N06045.
The ENiMo-1 electrodes can be used for welding nickel–molybdenum
alloys to steel and to other nickel-base alloys. Nickel–molybdenum base metal
(UNS N10001) is listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-333, SB-335, SB-619, SB-622,
and SB-B626. Another Ni–Mo electrode (ENiMo-3) is typically used for welding dissimilar
metal combinations of nickel-base, cobalt-base, and iron-base alloys.
The ENiMo-7 electrodes have controlled low levels of
carbon, iron, and cobalt. They are typically used to weld nickel molybdenum alloy
(UNS N10665), listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-333, SB-335, SB-619,
SB-622, and SB-B626. ENiMo-8 and ENiMo-9 are used for welding 9 percent nickel Steel.
The ENiMo-10 electrodes can be used for welding UNS N10665
and N10675 base metals, listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-333, SB-335,
SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrCoMo-1 electrodes can be used for welding nickel–chromium–cobalt-molybdenum
alloy (UNS N06617), listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-166 and SB-564.
The ENiCrMo-l electrodes can be used for welding
nickel– chromium–molybdenum alloy (UNS N06007), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, and SB-622.
The ENiCrMo-3 electrodes are typically used for
welding nickel–chromium–molybdenum alloy (UNS N06625), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-443, SB-444, SB-446, SB-564, SB-704, and SB-705.
The ENiCrMo-4 electrodes can be used for welding
nickel chromium– molybdenum alloy (UNS N10276), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-5 electrodes can be used for surfacing
steel clad with a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy.
The ENiCrMo-6 electrodes represent yet another
classification that can be used for welding 9% nickel steel. The 9% nickel- steel-base
metal (UNS K81340) is listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-333, SA-334,
SA-420, SA-353, SA-522, and SA-553.
The ENiCrMo-7 electrodes can be used for welding
nickel chromium– molybdenum alloy (UNS N06455), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB 366, SB-574, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-9 electrodes can be used for welding
nickel– chromium–molybdenum alloy (UNS N06985), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-10 electrodes can be used for welding
nickel chromium– molybdenum alloy (UNS N06022), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-11 electrodes can be used for welding
nickel chromium- molybdenum alloy (UNS N06030), listed in ASME Material
Specifications SB-366, SB-581, SB-582, SB-619, SB622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-12 electrodes are typically used for
welding chromium–nickel–molybdenum austenitic stainless steels to themselves, to
duplex stainless steels, to nickel–chromium–molybdenum alloys, and to steel.
The ENiCrMo-12 composition is balanced provide corrosion resistant welds for
use at temperatures below creep range of highly alloyed austenitic stainless
steels. UNS S31254 is one alloy that can be welded with these electrodes; it
listed in ASME Material Specifications SA-182, SA-240, SA-249, SA-312, SA-358,
SA-403, SA-409, SA-479, SA-813, and SA-814.
The ENiCrMo-13 electrodes can be used for welding nickel–chromium–molybdenum
alloy (UNS N06059), listed ASME Material Specifications SB-366, SB-564, SB-574,
SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
The ENiCrMo-14 electrodes can be used to weld
nickel–chromium- molybdenum alloys such as UNS N06686, N06625, N10276, and
N06022. UNS N06625 is listed in ASME Material Specifications SB-366, SB-443, SB-444,
SB-446, SB-564, SB-704, and SB-705, whereas both UNS N10276 and N06022 are in
listed SB-366, SB-564, SB-574, SB-575, SB-619, SB-622, and SB-626.
Electrodes, ENiCrMo-17, -18, and -19 have been added
to A 5.11. ENiCrMo-18 is used for welding UNS N06200 base metals ENC C-Mo-18 is
used to weld UNS N06625 base metals, but can be used for N06625, N08825, N06985,
N08020, N 08926 and N 08031. ENiCrMo-19 is used to weld UNS N06058 base metals.
Other additions include ENS CrCoMo-1 and ENiCrWMo-1. ENiCrCoMo-1 used to weld
UNS N06617 base metals and ENiCrWMo-1 is used weld UNS N06230 base metal. N08926
and ENiCrMo-18 base metals
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