ASME Code Section I

Stamp – A – Assembly of Power Boilers

Stamp – S – Power Boilers

Stamp – M – Miniature Boilers

Stamp – E – Electric Boilers

Stamp – PP – Power Piping

Stamp – V – Boiler Safety Valves

ASME Code Section III

Stamp – N – Nuclear Components

Stamp – NA – Nuclear Shop Assembly and Installation

Stamp – NPT – Nuclear Parts

Stamp – NV – Nuclear Valves

ASME Code Section IV

Stamp – H – Heating Boilers

Stamp – HLW – Lined Potable Water Heater

ASME Code Section VIII – Division 1

Stamp – U – Pressure Vessels

Stamp – UM – Miniature Pressure Vessels

Stamp – UV – Pressure Vessels Safety Valves

ASME Code Section VIII – Division 2

Stamp – U2 – Pressure Vessels

ASME Code Section VIII – Division 3

Stamp – U3 – Pressure Vessels

ASME Code Section XI

Stamp – RP – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

National Board Inspection Code - R – Repaired and Alteration of Previously ASME “Code Stamped” Vessels, Boilers and Piping’s


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