Procedure for Obtaining an ASME “Code Stamp” or a National Board “R Stamp”

Determine which stamps will be needed over at least the next three years. ASME “Code” Stamps (PP, A, S, U, H, etc.) are required in most States to build NEW pressure vessels, boilers and to install some piping that comes directly off boilers. The National Board “R” stamp is required in some states to make repairs or alterations to EXISTING ASME “Code Stamped” pressure vessels, boilers and piping. The requirement to have an “R” stamp is becoming more commonplace each year. In addition, some owners and engineers require that contractors have “R” or other stamps to be eligible to do work for them. Companies that have “stamps” are recognized widely as those that are more capable and quality-oriented than companies that do not have “stamps.”

ASME Code Stamps cost approximately $1600 each every three years, plus a shop or field survey (i.e. audit) every three years. An R Stamp costs approximately $550 every three years, plus a shop or field site audit every three years. The direct audit cost is about $5,000. If you get more than one stamp at the same time, only one audit is conducted. The Stamp fees and a retainer for the survey is payable in advance.

Obtain ASME “Code” stamp application forms from ASME Code Accreditation Department, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York 1001-5990 (212-591-8581) or at Obtain “R” stamp application forms from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio (614-888-8320) or at Complete and send in these forms along with the requested funds. Expect 8 to 12 weeks until the survey can occur.

If acquiring an “R” Stamp, obtain a copy of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) from National Board. If repairs are going to be made on ASME Code-Stamped tanks, boilers or piping, or if acquiring ASME “Code” Stamps, obtain the applicable Code books from ASME Publications Department (1-800-THE ASME) or at See the attached list of required Code Sections for each Code stamp.

Contact an Authorized Inspection Agency and arrange a contract for their services. YOU MUST HAVE A CONTRACT IN FORCE BEFORE THE NATIONAL BOARD OR ASME WILL SCHEDULE THE SURVEY. A list of Inspection Agencies is posted on both the National Board and ASME web sites. One only pays for the services of the Inspection Agency as they are used, and their use is only required when manufacturing, erecting or repairing ASME Code-stamped items and during the survey

Prepare a Quality Control Program following the requirements of the National Board Inspection Code and/or ASME as applicable. Assistance in developing the QC Program and training in its implementation can be obtained from Sperko Engineering Services, Inc. (336-674-0600 or at

Prepare and qualify welding procedures and welders. Prepare NDT procedures and qualify personnel in accordance with ASNT document SNT-TC-1A or make arrangements with an outside NDE laboratory.

Subcontracted services are acceptable for most specialized activities (e.g. design, drawings, NDE, heat treating) but not for welding. The Stamp holder is responsible for ALL work done, including any subcontractor work.

Have Authorized Inspection Agency review and concur with QC program. Prepare mock-up pipe/vessel or repair, as appropriate for the Stamp desired, following the QC program. Leave one major seam tacked but UN welded or as directed by the Authorized Inspector.

The Quality Control manual and its implementation will be audited by a Representative of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors or Chief Inspector of the Local Jurisdiction and your Authorized Inspection Agency Supervisor and your Authorized Inspector.

First day - Review of QC program, Implementing QC procedures, and welding and NDE procedures.

Second day - Shop inspection to verify implementation of program Revisions to QC program

When the audit is conducted by local jurisdiction, it may only take one day.

Audit team will advise towards the end of the second day in the exit interview whether your program passed or failed. . You may begin work with the concurrence of the Authorized Inspector after a successful survey, but you may not actually stamp anything until you receive the stamp from ASME or National Board, usually within a couple of weeks.


  1. An enclosed space with a pressure inside significantly higher or lower than the surrounding atmosphere. The typical operating pressure for Colt Equipment's (p) Ltd, the Pressure Vessel Manufacturers pressure vessel, is greater than 15 psig.


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